Hey all,
I just finished up an article about using situational writing to come up with game concepts. I get often find it tough to come up with a game concept, so when I get stuck this is a technique I've used in the past. I think many people here have been in the same boat.
Besides that... there are 2 seed paragraphs in this article that I think could make for a fun contest or competition. Anyone interested in building a game based on either of the scenarios in this article? If enough people are interested, I can probably come up with some prizes.
http://www.baconandgames.com/2011/05/1 0/how-stephen-king-can-make-you-a-bett er-game-designer/
The Stephen King seed paragraph is pretty cool, but the post apocalyptic world part is pretty cliche.
All the questions you come up with are like: how can I crib off more popular games?
I made up that Stephen King seed paragraph :)
You make a good point. Perhaps I shouldn't have used the post apocalyptic setting as my sample, because there's a LOT of that going around. If I had used something more generic and less in the lime light, this might have been more helpful. I appreciate the feedback.